Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Just Some Cute Pictures

I just thought I would post some cute pictures of Celeste for no reason. Enjoy!!

This was her first whack at a pinata...needless to say, she didn't do too much damage.
This is funny...she falls asleep in the weirdest places...this is in between our couch and the ottoman...she actually does this quite a bit.

She likes to wear my sunglasses he he.

Just a happy morning baby.

She was dressing her pony up for a party. :-)

Celeste's First Shiner :-(

Sorry everyone...I know it's been awhile but our computer was sick and had to go the the doctor (a.k.a Eric's mom) to get better so I know I haven't posted any new stuff, so, here you go!!

A couple of weeks ago we were at a friends house and Celeste had her first run in with a coffee table...this is the exact reason we don't own one!

At least she still looks happy!! This is a view from the can really see how big it was.

She's all better now. There is just the faintest bit of color left, if you didn't know it was there you wouldn't be able to tell. I kept joking with Eric saying I didn't want to take her out of the house because I was afraid people were gonna think I beat her. :-(